Academic and Intellectual Freedom: Opportunities in the 21st Century at Slippery Rock University
Event Program
Event Program
- Cosmology of Artificial Intelligence Project: Enhancing AI Literacy and Mitigating the Challenges in Public Understanding of AI Through Visualization, Trevor Watkins, George Mason University
- Pivoting Priorities Post-Pandemic: How Pitt Realigned ETD Support Services for Students, John Fudrow, University of Pittsburgh
- Make it Easy for Them to Say Yes!: Using Data and Proactive Planning to Garner Support, Carrie Bishop, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- Teams Spirit: Making the Most of the Communication Tool (slides), Kelly Safin, Renee Kiner, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
- Journal Club: A Continuing DEIB Conversation, Terra Rogerson, West Virginia University
- Beyond Balance to Boundaries (poster), Seth Newell, West Virginia University
- Open Infrastructure in Research and Librarianship, Lauren Collister, Invest in Open Infrastructure
- Teaching a Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Class: Lessons Learned (slides), Kelly Diamond, West Virginia University
- All About the Process: Intersections of Student Engagement, Creativity, and Learning (slides), Carrie Donovan, Anaïs Grateau, University of Pittsburgh
- Exploring Flexible Scheduling Models for Frontline Staff, Amy Lee Heinlen, Duquesne University
Spring virtual conference - june 1, 2022
Business Meeting and Welcome. Introduction of officers elected to terms beginning July 1: Martin Dunlap, Vice President/President Elect; Amy Rustic, Secretary; Jane LaBarbara, Member-at-Large, WV; Kimberly Smith, Member-at-Large, PA.
Recordings of some sessions are posted on the chapter's YouTube channel.
Recordings of some sessions are posted on the chapter's YouTube channel.
- Presentation - Research as Reflection: How to Reconnect Students to Themselves through Engaging Information Literacy Instruction (slides), Catherine Baldwin, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
- Presentation - Introducing Project Management to the Library (slides), Dennis Smith, West Virginia University
- Presentation - Beyond Diversity Committees: Reshaping Procedure and Culture for More Inclusive Hiring (slides), Lynne Stahl, Jessica Dai, Alyssa Wright, West Virginia University
- Presentation - Professional Blind Spots: Improving Information Literacy Instruction through Cross-Departmental Collaboration (slides), Richard Brzustowicz, Caroline Silver, Carlow University
- Library Shorts: Libraries and Archives in Support of Natural History: Using Historical Records to Rule out a Local Extirpation of Bobcats (Lynx rufus) in Ohio, Nicholas Gardner, WVU Potomac State College, Ryan Shell, Cincinnati Museum Center. Tailoring the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy to Your Campus: Lessons from Implementation Science, Lauren Herckis, Carnegie Mellon University
- Presentation - Putting Together the OER Puzzle: Rethinking OER Programming to Improve Impact and Engagement (slides), Jessica Dai, Lynne Stahl, Beau Smith, West Virginia University
- Round Tables - Library Programming: Assessing, Reflecting, and Communicating Impact (slides), Theresa McDevitt, Tedd Cogar, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Li Teng, University of Wyoming; Person-Centered Library Management: Fostering Engagement and Well-Being in All Library Staff, Amy Lee Heinlen, Duquesne University, Kate Wenger, Chatham University
- Library Shorts: I and Thou: Diversity Through the Lenses of Perception, Ethan Marek, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. Shedding Light on Research and Advocacy Opportunities for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (slides), Jo Dienst, Duquesne University
Summer webinar series - 2020
Innovate, Communicate, Collaborate
June 19 - July 31, 2020
June 12
June 19
June 26
July 10
July 17
July 24
July 31
June 19 - July 31, 2020
June 12
- 8:45 - 9:00 am – Virtual Coffee Chat
- 9:00 - 10:00 am – Welcome & Business meeting
- 10:00 - 11:00 am – Keynote (Recording)
"The Power of Presence: Uncovering the Unasked Questions," Jeffrey Knapp, Penn State University
Speaker Bio: Jeff is the Larry & Ellen Foster Librarian for Communications at Penn State, serving the Bellisario College of Communications, the largest accredited mass communications program in the United States. In addition to library and information science, his academic background includes international politics and history, with professional experience in marketing communications. Jeff believes it is his professional responsibility to be interested in everything. His research interests involve the role of academic librarianship and potential futures for the profession in an ever-changing information environment.
June 19
- 10:00 - 11:00 am – "Make way for Macchiato! How Disruptive Change Drove Service Redesign, and Actually Ended Well," Stacey Kimmel-Smith & Mark Canney, Lehigh University
- 11:00 am - 12:00 pm – "Opportunity Does Not Knock: Building Teams and An Undergraduate Research Journal," Elin Woods, Sara Parme & Chris Clouser, Indiana University
June 26
- 10:00 - 11:00 am – "Collaborating for Innovation: Developing Consortial Open-Source Software at PALCI," Gretchen Gueguen, PALCI (Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium, Inc.)
- 11:00 am - 12:00 pm – Lightning Round Sessions
- "Collaboration Across Cyberspace: NNLM’s Wikipedia Editing Campaigns," Kelsey Cowles, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region (University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System)
- "The Digital Learning and Library Services," Brett Stiffler, Carlow University
- "Making Citations Stick," Ethan Marek, Kelly Safin, & Renee Kiner, University of Pittsburgh
- "Student Outreach . . . Making It Personal!" David Kupas, University of Pittsburgh
- "Stop Stop...I Know the Answer! Gamification and Information Literacy Instruction," Richard Brzustowicz, Carlow University
July 10
- 10:00 - 11:00 am – "Snap Out of It: Cross-Campus Collaborations to Promote Mindful Online Sharing Practices," Theresa McDevitt, Aleea Perry, & Dr. Veronica Paz, IUP
- 11:00 am - 12:00 pm – "Design Thinking, Academic Libraries, and the MLIS," Marcia Rapchak, University of Pittsburgh
July 17
- 10:00 - 11:00 am – "On the Same Page: Fostering a Culture of Collaborative Communication in Technical Services," Staci Ross, Gabi Gulya, & Brenda Salem, University of Pittsburgh
- 11:00 am - 12:00 pm – "Collaborating with Undergraduate Instructors in Student Learning," Diana Dill, Clare Withers, Jeanann Haas, & Carrie Donovan, University of Pittsburgh
July 24
- 10:00 - 11:00 am – "Collaborating to Connect Library Student Employee Experiences with Career Readiness Competencies," Calida Barboza & Margo Sassaman, Millersville University
- 11:00 am - 12:00 pm – "Open Educational Resources (OERs): Refresh Your Teaching and Save Your Students a Bundle!" Marnie Hampton (University of Pittsburgh) & Melody Diehl Detar (Duquesne University)
July 31
- 10:00 - 11:00 am – "Doers, Managers, and Leaders: Navigating Pathways to Leadership," Erik Nordberg, Karen Diaz, & Ronalee Ciocco
- 11:00 am - 12:00 pm – "Mixing a New Palate: Multifaceted Information Literacy Instruction for Emerging Young Adults," Catherine A. Baldwin, University of Pittsburgh
spring conference - 2020 - in-person event cancelled (covid-19)
Innovate, Communicate, Collaborate
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA
Friday, June 12, 2020
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA
Friday, June 12, 2020
Spring Conference - 2019
Technology: Making It Work for Your Library
Washington & Jefferson College
Washington, PA
Friday, June 7, 2019
Conference Flyer - Technology: Making It Work for Your Library
8:30 - 9:00 Registration & Continental Breakfast - Burnett Center Lobby
9:00 - 10:00 Business Meeting - 114 Burnett Center
10:00 - 11:00 Keynote - 114 Burnett Center
"Campus Culture and Educational Technology," Lauren Herckis, PhD, Simon Initiative Research Faculty
1:30 - 2:30 Concurrent Session 2 - Burnett Center (Various Locations)
Washington & Jefferson College
Washington, PA
Friday, June 7, 2019
Conference Flyer - Technology: Making It Work for Your Library
8:30 - 9:00 Registration & Continental Breakfast - Burnett Center Lobby
9:00 - 10:00 Business Meeting - 114 Burnett Center
10:00 - 11:00 Keynote - 114 Burnett Center
"Campus Culture and Educational Technology," Lauren Herckis, PhD, Simon Initiative Research Faculty
- Lauren Herckis, PhD is an anthropologist at Carnegie Mellon University who specializes in faculty culture and the use of technology in higher education. Her field research applies anthropological and archaeological methods and theory to analyze human engagement with the material world. Under the aegis of Carnegie Mellon's Simon Initiative, Dr. Herckis' current projects explore the intersection of campus culture, technological change, and effective teaching at the college level. Her research informs policymaking, shapes the development of learning technologies, and illuminates aspects of organizational culture and policy which affect teaching practice.
- "Online Tutorials for Flipped Instruction: One Library’s Approach," David Kupas & April Kelley, University of Pittsburgh - 102 Burnett Center
- "ACUE is Not A Four-Letter Word: The Library’s Role in Promoting Effective Teaching & Learning," Dr. Charles Julian, Potomac State College of WVU - 107 Burnett Center
- "Use of Virtual Reality in the Library for Instruction about Games, Narrative, and More," Robin Kear, Gesina Phillips, Luke Ferdinand, & Will Hinson, University of Pittsburgh - 109 Burnett Center
- Lightning Round - 114 Burnett Center
- "Don’t Copy that Code! Using a CMS to Develop a Discipline-Specific Plagiarism Tutorial" (PDF version), Martin Dunlap & Kelly Diamond, West Virginia University
- "Stacks by Ebsco—New Library Website," Alecia Kerr, La Roche University
- "Moving the Discussion Online: Using Flipgrid to Engage Students," Terra Merkey & Cathryn F. Miller, Duquesne University
1:30 - 2:30 Concurrent Session 2 - Burnett Center (Various Locations)
- "The Best of Both Worlds: Designing a Hybrid Course for Undergrads and Grads," Beth Royall & Kelly Diamond, West Virginia University - 102 Burnett Center
- "'I’ll Walk the Plank Before I’d Use the Library!' Why Users Pirate Academic Resources," Nicholas Gardner, Potomac State College of WVU - 107 Burnett Center
- "Integrating Assessment in Online Synchronous Information Literacy Tutorials," Leslie Poljak, Diana Dill, & Clare Withers, University of Pittsburgh - 109 Burnett Center
- Lightning Round - 114 Burnett Center
- "Digital Learning Objects in Library Instruction and Training," Richard Brzustowicz & Alyson Koenig, Carlow University
- "Please Read the Comments: Switching to Online Student Feedback," Kelly Safin & Renee Kiner, University of Pittsburgh
- "Getting Started with Articulate Studio 360," Marilyn Harhai, Clarion University of Pennsylvania
- "Training Students is a Hoot! Integrating Technology into Established Program to Enhance Student Training" (PDF version), Kelly Gonzalez & Nidia Werner, Dickinson College
- Conference Flyer - What’s to Fear? Learning from Failure
- Keynote - "Success and Failure Are the Path: Inner Strength for the Ups and Downs of Life," Kathy Cleveland Bull
- Poster Session
- "Altering Misconceptions Surrounding Subject Disciplines," Elizabeth Waltman, Pitt SCI student (poster references)
- Presentations
- "Where is everybody? Attempts at Engaging Students and Faculty in the Library," Stephanie Diaz, Barb Eshbach, & Russ Hall, Penn State
- "Failure Is Not An Option: Challenges of Providing First-Year Experience One-Shot Orientations," C. Julian & V. Kline, Potomac State
- "Under New Leadership: Running a Library Without a Dean or Director," Rocco Cremonese, Slippery Rock (archived PDF version)
- "Owning our impact: Re-evaluating how we think about (& brand) vendor-owned systems," Gesina Phillips & Christie Kliewer, Duquesne
- "Inclusion not Tolerance: Supporting Diversity in Library Employment," M. Brooks, K. Johnson, & L. Thompson, Marshall
- "Display Fails and Favorites," Renee Kiner & Kelly Safin, Pitt – Greensburg
- "Organizing a Series of Events for an Academic Library – Pitfalls and Silver Linings," Amber Harrison & Emily Zumbrun, Frostburg State (archived PDF versions with and without notes)
- "Mission Impossible—Weeding on a Wing and a Prayer," Susan Drummond, IUP
- Lightning round:
- "The Power of P-Values: Understanding Statistical 'Failure'," Cathryn Miller, Duquesne
- "Learning to Fail: The Theories Behind the Positive Power of Failure," Carrie Donovan, Carlow
- "Partnerships & Pitfalls: Surveying One University's Information Literacy Course Enhancement Program," Jessica Vanderhoff & Beth Royall, WVU
- "Research Log Fog: Listening to Faculty and Providing Practical Instruction to Students," Nick Gardner & Virginia Kline, Potomac State
- "Information Literacy in the Era of Fake News," Carrie Donovan (Carlow), Leslie Poljak (Pitt) & Ethan Pullman (CMU)
- "Radical Critical Social Media Management for Libraries," Christie Kliewer, Duquesne (handout)
- "There's nothing to fear but fear itself...and negative faculty feedback! Conducting a deep weed of our library's collections," Ronalee Ciocco, Jacqueline Laick, Samantha Martin, & Beth Miller, Washington & Jefferson
- "Facing the Writing Challenge," Theresa McDevitt (IUP) & T. Eloise Stevens (Westminster)
Spring Conference - 2017
- Conference Flyer - Libraries Leading the Trend
- Keynote - Cheryl Ann Middleton
- Plenary Session - Karen and Jose Diaz - Engaged Librarianship
- Poster Sessions
- "In Support of Cloud Data Storage as Secondary Storage for Researchers" - Shannon Sheridan, Pitt, student
- "Sharing Frostburg History in MD-SOAR" - Emily Zumbrun, University of Maryland, student
- "Using a National Library Week event as an opportunity for assessment." - Amber Harrison, University Of Kentucky, School of Information Science, student
- "Bibliometrics and Altmetrics in the Academic Library" - Cassandra Frank, Pitt, student
- "Integrating Digital Humanities into Academic Institutions" - Lindsay Decker, Pitt, student
- "Leading Academia: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Research" - Lauren Martiere, Pitt, student
- "Mitigating Loss in the Event of Disaster" - Kimberly Conover, Pitt, student
- Presentations
- "Highlighting Distinctive Collections & Promoting Digital Fluency through TimelineJS" - Clare Wither, Pitt
- "Understanding and Teaching Google's Algorithm and Fake News" - Sabrina Thomas, Marshall U.
- "One-Shot" Assessments: Hit the Bullseye Every Time!" - Virginia Kline, Potomac State College of WVU
- "Fun and Games with Copyright" - Paul Bond and Eve Wider, Pitt-Johnstown
- "Give Us Some Credit: Librarians developing and teaching credit-bearing courses" - Dr. Monty L. McAdoo, Edinboro University of PA
- "Programming for Veteran and Military Students: Meeting the Trend of Library Contributions to Student Success" - Dr. Sara Baron and Rebekah Miller, Duquesne U.
- "Making the CRAAP Test Less Crappy" - Eryn Roles and Sabrina Thomas and Kathleen Phillips, Marshall U.
Spring Conference - 2016
- Conference Flyer - Transforming Our Libraries
- Keynote - "Trends for the Library of the Future - Learning with ALA's Center for the Future of Libraries" - Miguel Figueroa, ALA Center for the Future of Libraries
- Poster Sessions
- "Collaborating with Faculty & Staff to Expand Library Resources for Veteran Students" - Rebekah Miller, Duquesne University & University of Pittsburgh
- "Transforming the Model for Academic Library Video Collections" - Bryan McGreary, University of Pittsburgh
- Lightning Round Sessions
- "Make Connecting with Distance Students a Wiz: Using Course Management Technologies to Engage Distance Learners" - Dana Mastroianni, Chatham University
- "It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint: Planning That Will Go the Distance at Your Library" - Kelly Bradish, Anna Mary Williford, Amanda Folk, and Renee Kiner, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
- "Transformation and Migration" - Janetta Waterhouse, WVU Libraries
- "What do textbook reserves, dogs roaming around the Library, colored pencils everywhere, and the Peanuts Movie have in common? Just ask RMU students!" - Tim Schlak and Bruce Johnston, Robert Morris University
- "Library is a Game, First-Year Students are the Players" - Jing Qiu and Penny Pugh, WVU Libraries
- "Driving Intellectual Curiosity: Archival Scholars Research Awards at the University of Pittsburgh" - Jeanann Haas and Jennifer Needhan, University of Pittsburgh
- Extended Sessions
- "Because students know more/less than we think they do: Transforming IL assessment to encourage students and engage the campus" (worksheet) - Eloise Stevens, Westminster College
- "Strengthening Digital Native's Library Resilience through Gamification: Library Strategies for First to Second Year Multi-Campus Student Transition" - Casey Sirochman and Carrie Bishop, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- "Transform Student End of Semester Experience with Stress Reduction Library Outreach Activities" - Theresa McDevitt, Indiana University Libraries
- "You can do this! Designing collaborative strategic planning to engage your community and transform your library" - Eve Wider and Robin Kear, University of Pittsburgh
- "Because students know more/less than we think they do: Transforming IL assessment to encourage students and engage the campus" (worksheet) - Eloise Stevens, Westminster College
Spring Conference - 2015
- Conference Flyer - Creating Connections - June 5, 2015
- Keynote: Creating Connections with DPLA: A Platform, a Portal, and a Public Option - Gretchen Gueguen, Data Services Coordinator for the Digital Public Library of America
- Career Connections: Professional Literacy - Janice M. Krueger & Marilyn K. Harhai, Clarion University
- Here We Are World: Designing and Promoting Instruction Sessions Using Rare Books and Primary Sources - Jeanann Haas & Jennifer Needham, Special Collections Department, University of Pittsburgh
- #Trendy or #Targeted? Developing Your Outreach Plan - Kelly Bradish, Anna Mary Williford, Amanda Miller & Amanda Folk, Millstein Library, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
- Poster Session - What We Talk About When We Talk About Usability - Christie Kliewer & Gesina Phillips, University of Pittsburgh
- Poster Session - Public and Academic Library Connections - Lauren Lancaster, University of Pittsburgh
- Marketing Through the Ordinary - Virginia Kline, Potomac State College of WVU
- Literacy Instruction: Connecting to Online Faculty and Students - Marilyn K. Harhai & Mary Buchanan, Clarion University
- How Does Your Graphic Novel Garden Grow? Harvesting the Benefits of Out-reach and Collaboration - Amanda Miller, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
- Exploring Social Capital and Liaison Librarianship - Tim Schlak, Robert Morris University
- Dynamic Duo: Reference and Instruction are Better Together - Amanda Folk, Anna Mary Williford, Kelly Bradish, & Amanda Miller, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
- Sounding Board to Active Board: Maximizing a Student Advisory Board's Collaborative Effectiveness - Alyssa Archer, Beth Johnson, Craig Arthur, & Candice Benjes-Small, Radford University
- Twitter presentation - Jessa Darwin
- Website report - Brad Coffield
Virtual Poster Sessions - Winter 2015
- Public Services Librarian Anne Schwan and Head of Bevier Engineering Library Judy Brink present "Building Community at the Bevier Engineering Library."
- Clare Withers, Coordinator for Virtual Reference and Liaison Librarian, and Jeanann Haas, Head of Special Collections and Preservation, present "Creating Community through the Sharing of Primary Sources: or, that’s why they’re known as special collections!"
- Reference and Instruction Librarian Carrie Bishop, from PSU DuBois, presents "Hello Neighbor: Building Community with the High School Next Door."
Fall Meeting - 2014
- Conference Flyer - Under Construction: Building Community Among Students, Faculty, and Library Staff - October 24 at Chatham University
- Keynote: "Building Geographically Distributed Communities and WorkingRelationships: Libraries, Online Learning and Beyond” - Loanne Snavely, Andrea Gregg (Penn State World Campus)
- “Transforming the First Year Experience and Other Relationship Efforts of the Library” - Gail Reese & Brian C. Gray (Case Western Reserve University, OH)
- “Diversity Residency Program and Outreach Initiatives” - Dr. Jon Cawthorne (West Virginia University)
- “Building community in a Small College Setting” with additional script - Robin Wagner (Gettysburg College)
- "Twitter Presentation @wpwvcacrl" - Stephanie C. Gillespie (Duquesne University)
Spring Conference - 2014
- The Student-Centered Academic Library - June 6, 2014 at Bethany College
- Keynote: Designing the Student-Centered Academic Library - Nancy Fried Foster (Ithaka S+R)
- Something Widget This Way Comes: Illustrating Scholarly Impact to Graduate Students - John Barnett, Jenifer Chan, Lauren Collister (University of Pittsburgh)
- Patron-Driven Acquisition - Dev Albarelli, Briana Albright (Point Park University)
- Ship to Shore: Creating Interactive Information Literacy Tutorials - Christy Fic (Shippensburg University)
- Weeding, Wine, and Cheese - Judith Koveleski (Seton Hill University)
- User-Centered Decision: Which Citation Management Platform - Rick Hoover (University of Pittsburgh)
- The InfoCycle Quiz Station at WVU Libraries at Evansdale in 2013 - Noel Kopriva (West Virginia University)
- Stop the Madness! Turning Student Input to Output for Improving Printing at Gumberg Library - Maureen Diana Sasso, Jessica Danielle Smith, Charlotte Redgate Myers, Shawn Klocek, Donald Maue (Duquesne University)
- Instruction & Classroom Environments: Music Librarians - Maria Fesz (University of Pittsburgh)
- Illness Narratives as Learning Tools for Health Sciences Students - Erin Wolverton (Duquesne University, University of Pittsburgh)
- College Libraries & Social Media Best Practices - Emily Mross, Meghan Philp (University of Pittsburgh)
- Flipping the Classroom: Blackboard & Embedded Information Literacy Instruction - Jean Shumway, Lorri Shuber (Butler County Community College)
- Parents, Alumni, and Libraries: What Customers Really Believe About the Library - Rob Favini (OCLC)
Fall MEeting - 2013
- The Future of the Library System: Challenges and Opportunities - November 1 at Pittsburgh Technical Institute, PA
- Keynote: The Future of the Library System: Challenges and Opportunities - Maureen Sullivan (Simmons College, MA)
- Effective Faculty Outreach and Collaboration: Our Reinvigorated Library Liaison Program - Brad Coffield (Saint Francis University)
- Chromebooks @ McCartney Library - Kyle Breneman (Geneva College)
- Use of Information Instruction Tools with Complex Online Research Resources - Lois Kepes, Dawnlyn Diehl (University of Pittsburgh)
- Collaborating with Faculty to Create and Implement a Problem-Based Learning Assignment - Kate Wenger, Dana Mastroianni (Chatham University)
Spring Conference - 2013
- Keynote: A Keystone of Academic Librarianship: The Value of Professional Engagement in the 21st Century - Courtney Young (Penn State University)
- The Digital Evolution: Digital Libraries and Community Colleges - Kathleen Phillips
- Community Fellows Grant Implementation Project - Aaron Procious
- Adding Value to Library Orientations with a Self-Guided, Self-Grading Info Station - Noel Kopriva (West Virginia University)
- Information Literacy and English 272: Modernist Literature - Kelly Diamond
- Copyright, License, and Institutional Repositories: Managing the Process - Paris Webb
- Twitter Do's and Don'ts - Stephanie C Gillespie (Chatham University)
- Meet Us In The Paper Forest: Gumberg Library’s Interactive Approach to Promoting Sustainability - Jessica Smith (Duquesne University)
- How to Fold a Burrito: Closing the Distance Learners’ IL Assessment Loop - Monica Brooks
- Training with Technology: How Information Technology Enhanced the RDA Training Experience at the University of Pittsburgh - Faye Leibowitz, Brenda Salem, Carlos Pena and Lisa Sisco (University of Pittsburgh)
- EndNote @ Pitt: Technology and Teaching - Leslie Eibl & Anne Schwan (University of Pittsburgh)
- The Price of Everything & The Value of Nothing: Incorporating Free Digital Archives into Information Literacy Instruction - Kelly Diamond
- Using LibGuides in Library Instruction - Lisa Williams & Anna Mary Williford
- Open Access 10 Years Later: Where Are We Now? - John Barnett & Jennifer Chan (University of Pittsburgh)
Fall Meeting - 2012
- New Students, New Services - November 2 at University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
- Keynote: Millennials: Made in America - Susan Jennings Lantz (West Virginia University)
- Veteran’s History Project
- A First Year Experience Program
- A First Year Information Literacy Program – Brad Coffield, Renee Hoffman, Janie Rager (Saint Francis University)
- Library Involvement with Multimedia Projects
Spring Conference - 2012
- Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way: Setting Your Pace as a Library Leader - June 1 at Waynesburg University (Complete program)
- Keynote: Mentoring Matters - Dr. Audrey J. Murrell (University of Pittsburgh)
- What are tomorrow's leaders learning? - Marilyn Harhai (Clarion University)
- Mt. Lebanon Village Oral History Repository Project - Brian Dawson (University of Pittsburgh)
- The Knowledge Base: Managing Collective Use of Individual Expertise - Claire Withers, Judy Brink, Alexis Stapp (University of Pittsburgh)
- The WPWVC/ACRL Mentoring Program: How It Can Benefit Your Career Advancement - Kate Wenger (Chatham University), Carroll Wilkinson (West Virginia University)
Fall Meeting - 2011
- Don't Stop Archiving! Lifelong Professional Development and Engagement Throughout Your Library Career - October 28 at Robert Morris University, PA
- Keynote: The Role of Professional Engagement and Participation in Library Career Development - Erika Linke (Carnegie Mellon University)
Spring Conference - 2011
- Meeting User's Needs for Mobility, Access and Discovery - May 6 at Bethany College, WV
- Keynote: Mobility in Access & Discovery - Joe Murphy (Yale University Library, CT)
- QR Codes & Library Services - Martha Yancey, A. David Roth (West Virginia University)
- MUMobile Libraries Website - Stephen Tipler, Jin Ping Zhang (Marshall University)
- Developing a Mobile Website - Rob Behary, Leslie Christianson, Leslie Lewis (Duquesne University)
Fall Meeting - 2010
- You Design(ed) the Program - October 1 at Fairmont State University, WV
- Keynote: Put Your Best Hat On! - Dr. Greg Hinton (Fairmont State University)
- CONSOL Energy Mine Map Preservation Project - Amy Baker (University of Pittsburgh)
- Implementing New Technology Easily into Instruction Sessions - Danielle Colbert Lewis (University of Pittsburgh)
- Assessing & Improving a Library Course with Student Feedback - Beth Toren (West Virginia University)
- Embedded Librarians - Monica Brooks (Marshall University), Jennifer Sias (Marshall University), Amy Rustic (Penn State)
- E-Books: Information, Insights and Ideals - Tracey Ballock (Duquesne University), John Barnett (PALCI), Jin Ping Zhang (Marshall University)
- Future Trends in Libraries: Good or Bad? Perspectives from Cataloging & Reference - Margarete Bower, Michael Ford, Faye Leibowitz, Brenda Salem (University of Pittsburgh)
Spring Conference - 2010
- Grassroots Innovation & Initiatives in Academic Libraries - Spring 2010, May 21 at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, PA - Complete Program
- Keynote: (R)Evolutionary Academic Library Services - Danielle Theiss White (Kansas State University, KS)
- ACRL Webinar: Text Messaging Reference - Enhancing Reference Services with SMS - February 23, 2010 at Evansdale Library - West Virginia University, WV
- ACRL Webinar: Marketing Ideas That Work in Academic Libraries - Pecha Kucha Presentations - July 13 at Robert Morris University, Moon Township, PA
Fall MEeting - 2009
- Not-So-Distant Librarian - September 24 at Edinboro University, PA
- Keynote: Instruction in an Online Environment - Barbara Mann, Robert Miller (University of Maryland)
Spring Conference - 2009
- Assessment in Academic Libraries - June 4 at West Virginia Wesleyan University, WV
- Keynote: The Stories that Sustain Us: Assessment and the Future of the Academic Library - Scott Walter (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
- Assessment of Public Service Library School Interns - Eve Wider (University of Pittsburgh)
- Citation Support Service - Spreading the Word - Leslie Lewis (Duquesne University)
- Current & Future Challenges Facing Academic Library Services: Discussion of Ithaka 2006 & No Brief Candle Studies - Sydney Walden, Rob Behary (Duquesne University)
- Defining and Digitizing a Common/wealth: Building Pennsylvania's Digital Library - John Barnett (PALCI)
- iSkills™ and the Undergraduate Student - Janice M. Krueger (Clarion University of Pennsylvania)
- Using Assessment for Professional Growth and Pedagogical Improvement - Susan Drummond, Joann Janosko (Indiana University, PA)
Fall MEeting - 2008
- Trends and Innovations in Process Improvement - October 24 at Duquesne University, PA
- Keynote: Jeannine Siviy (Carnegie Mellon University)
Spring Conference - 2008
- Information Advocacy - June 6 at Pittsburgh Technical Institute, PA
- Welcome: Erika Linke (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Keynote: Bill Pearce, PhD (Geneva College)
Fall Meeting - 2007
- Gaming in Libraries: Library Arcade @ Carnegie Mellon University - November 16 at West Liberty State College, WV
- Presentation: Donna Beck, Rachel Callison, John Fudrow and Dan Hood (Carnegie Mellon University)
Spring Conference - 2007
- Web 2.0 in Academic Libraries - June 1 at LaRoche College, PA
- Keynote: Clifford Landis (Valdosta State University, GA)
Fall Meeting - 2006
- Beyond Espresso: Academic Libraries of the Future - October 13 at Pittsburgh Technical Institute, PA
- Keynote: Mary Ellen Davis (Executive Director of ACRL)
Spring Conference - 2006
- Great Expectations: Leadership in Academic Libraries - May 19 at Wheeling Jesuit University, WV
- Keynote: Barbara Moran, PhD (University of North Carolina)
Fall Meeting - 2005
- 10 Characteristics of Highly Effective Organizations - December 2 at West Virginia University, WV
- Keynote: David C. Hardesty, Jr. (President of West Virginia University)
Spring Conference - 2005
- Only Connect: Communication in Academic Libraries - April 15 at California University of Pennsylvania, South Pointe Campus, PA
- Keynote: Gloriana St. Clair (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Marketing Your Library - Julie Seavy, Ed Galloway (University of Pittsburgh)
- Model Communication Behaviors to Enhance Reference Transactions - Justina Osa (Pennsylvania State University)
- Partnerships in Diversity - Crystal McCormick-Ware (University of Pittsburgh)
- Communication in Digitization Project Management - Jin Ma (Pennsylvania State University)
- Using Focus Groups to Connect with Library Users - Dennis Smith (University of Pittsburgh)
- The Communication Challenges of Establishing a Three Credit Information Literacy Course at West Virginia University - Carroll Wilkinson (West Virginia University)
Fall Meeting - 2004
- Membership Meeting and Tour of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - November 5 at University of Pittsburgh, PA
Spring Conference - 2004
- The Digital Library: Demons and Darlings: The State of Libraries in the 21st Century - April 2 at Bethany College, WV
- Keynote: Cathy De Rosa (OCLC)
Fall Meeting - 2003
- SAILS: Standardized Assessment of Information Literacy Skills - November 14 at Robert Morris University, PA
- Keynote: Carolyn Radcliff (Kent State University, OH)
Spring Conference - 2003
- Library Assessment - March 16 at Clarion University, PA
Spring Conference - 2002
- Fundamentals of Academic Librarianship - March 22 at University of Pittsburgh, PA