The Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia Chapter of ACRL is in need of enthusiastic members willing to run for the following offices:
Send your nominations to Heather Lauer ([email protected]) by Friday, May 6, 2022. Here is the current roster of officers and committees.
If you are interested in serving on the nominating committee next year, please contact Heather Lauer ([email protected]). Consider nominating a colleague or yourself to serve the chapter in one of these positions. All nominees must be current members of the chapter.
- Vice President/President Elect (West Virginia): This is a two-year appointment (2022-2024), with an additional year as Past President (2024-2025). Candidates must be from West Virginia. This position alternates between West Virginia and Pennsylvania members.
- Secretary: This is a two-year appointment (2022-2024) and is open to West Virginia and Pennsylvania members.
- Member at Large, Pennsylvania (1): This is a two-year appointment (2022-2024) and is open to Pennsylvania members.
- Member at Large, West Virginia (1): This is a two-year appointment (2022-2024) and is open to West Virginia members.
Send your nominations to Heather Lauer ([email protected]) by Friday, May 6, 2022. Here is the current roster of officers and committees.
If you are interested in serving on the nominating committee next year, please contact Heather Lauer ([email protected]). Consider nominating a colleague or yourself to serve the chapter in one of these positions. All nominees must be current members of the chapter.